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What is EDIFACT?


What type of EDIFACT messages are there?

EDIFACT covers a comprehensive set of messages to provide maximum flexibility throughout a range of industries. As you’d expect, it covers the main messages such as orders (ORDERS), invoices (INVOIC) and Dispatch Advice (DESADV). It also provides additional functionality such as SCC barcode labelling which is missing from alternative standards like Tradacoms.

A list of popular EDIFACT message types can be seen below:

EDIFACT Code Description
DELFOR Delivery Forecast
DELJIT Delivery Just-In-Time
DESADV Dispatch Advice
IFTMIN Instructions for Transport
IFTMBF Transport Booking Request
IFTMBC Transport Booking Confirmation
INVOIC Invoice
ORDERS Purchase Order
PAYORD Payment Order
PRICAT Price Catalogue
PRODAT Product Data
INVRPT Inventory Report
RECADV Receipt Advice
MSCONS Metered Services Consumption Report
UTILMD Utilities Master Data
ORDCHG Purchase Order Change Request
CONTRL Functional Acknowledgement
REMADV Remittance Advice
SLSRPT Outgoing Sales Report
ORDRSP Purchase Order Response

What does an EDIFACT message look like?

Each message is split into the 3 components mentioned above – Segments, Elements and Descriptions. The message is split into segments on separate lines and each of these segments is followed by an element and then a description. The syntax of each of these components is very important as it allows the message to be read by the EDI systems. The example EDIFACT purchase order below shows the 3 components colour coded:

COM+?+44 788 1629722:TE’

What are the challenges surrounding EDIFACT?

One of the main setbacks is it’s difficulty to read in a raw format. The concatenation of codes and syntax used within the elements, segments and descriptions and the difference in syntax to widely used formats like xml make it hard to read by software and people. This unique approach often leads to increased errors within and time consuming remediation when problems occur.

Although EDIFACT was designed as a global EDI standard, it was never adopted in the USA where they created an alternative called X12. ANSI X12 now the predominant EDI standard in the United States. It is particularly common in the US healthcare sector where HIPAA regulations apply and are utilised across all sector by over 300,000 businesses worldwide.

Odette is another alternative EDI standard which is predominantly used in the European automotive sector. The Odette standard caters for supply chain efficiency with an Odette ID available to identify a large volume of global legal entities within a business such as warehouses, factories and offices.

Celtrino Can Help With

EDI With My Buyers

Serve your buyers accurately and efficiently. Meet buyer EDI requirements quickly, easily and cost effectively.

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EDI With My Suppliers

Our EDI solution will enable your suppliers to receive, process and create all of the documents required to meet with your specifications.

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Premier Managed EDI

EDI can be complicated but it doesn’t have to be. Let Celtrino manage your electronic trading activity from mapping to system maintenance and upgrades

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Benefits of Celtrino EDI

Whether you are a supplier or a customer there are many EDI advantages for you to consider.

Fast and reliable message exchange
Reduce manual intervention, paper and data errors
Free up accounts and IT resources for value-added activities
Better sales reporting, stock control and information sharing
Faster order processing and faster payment of invoices
Easier to grow EDI connections to enter new markets
Respond promptly to key customer EDI and supply chain demands

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