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Take advantage of Celtrino solutions to securely exchange your electronic documents

Connect to einvoicing networks to exchange your electronic invoices. At Celtrino, we offer einvoicing solutions that allow suppliers and their buyers to securely send invoices, credit notes, purchase orders and other documents in a common electronic format.

What is Electronic Invoicing?

Electronic invoicing (Einvoicing) refers to the exchange of an invoice document between a supplier and a buyer in which the invoice is in a structured electronic format. This electronic invoice is sent from the supplier to the buyer in a machine-readable format that will allow it to be imported directly into the Accounts Payable system of the buyer.

What is an eInvoice?

An electronic invoice (Einvoice) is therefore the structured data file that is transferred between the computer systems of the supplier and the buyer. The data in this electronic invoice is in a machine-readable format and is not designed to be visually readable. An XML file is an example of such a structured file format which stores and transports structured data that can be read and processed by an automated computer system.
The EU 2014/55/EU Directive which is aimed at standardising a common European einvoicing format, defines the electronic invoice as an invoice that has been issued, transmitted and received in a structured electronic format which allows for its automatic and electronic processing.

What is not an electronic invoice:

  • Unstructured invoice data issued in PDF or Word formats;
  • Scanned paper invoices.

The main difference between an einvoice and a PDF, Word or paper invoice is that an einvoice is created in a specific structured format.

Celtrino eInvoice Solutions:


AS4 can be used by any organisation that wants to send and receive documents electronically in safe, secure and encrypted transmissions

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Peppol simplifies the procurement process for businesses in Ireland. Achieve global einvoice connectivity directly from your own ERP

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Peppol Connect

Peppol Connect is Celtrino’s certified and scalable Peppol Access Point Services product that links an organisation to the Peppol Network

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Electronic Invoicing Benefits

It’s clear that it is becoming increasingly important to adopt einvoicing practices in all areas of business and it makes sense for both suppliers and buyers to digitise their key business documents for exchange.

Benefits of Electronic Invoicing to Suppliers

Improved relationships with your customers
Faster payments and more reliable cash flow
Reduced costs
Fewer rejected invoices
Increased productivity

Benefits of Electronic Invoicing to Buyers

Increased accuracy
Reduced risk of fraud
Reduced costs
Focus on higher value activities.
Improved supplier relationships

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