Suppliers play a crucial and integral part of your business operations. Celtrino EDI solutions enable you to trade more efficiently with your suppliers. Your suppliers help drive your business and as a result, there is no room for errors in transacting with them.
Celtrino EDI System
Our EDI service is a managed product that creates an efficient, automated and integrated environment. This environment is managed by Celtrino which removes the need for you to allocate specific resources, hardware or even additional software, freeing up your staff to concentrate on more profitable areas of your business.
The Celtrino EDI system handles the translation, mapping, enrichment and validation of your documents. We will onboard all your suppliers in a timely, efficient and hassle-free manner for you.
Celtrino EDI Solutions
Celtrino EDI solutions manage your supply chain to help eliminate human error, strengthen partnerships with current and future suppliers, and ultimately increase efficiencies and reduce costs. Celtrino also provide you with the ability to sync product info from your suppliers into one centralised catalogue
The Celtrino managed EDI service is a secure and reliable communication environment for the transmission of electronic documents. With our help you can deliver an EDI solution that matches your supply chain management business requirements.
Benefits of Celtrino EDI
If you are a buyer there are many EDI advantages for you to consider.
Get in Touch
Do you have a question or query you’d like to discuss with us? Contact our dedicated team today.